How To Encourage Active Play for Kids

In an age where screens often dominate children’s lives, encouraging active play has never been more critical. Physical activity is essential for a child’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being, promoting healthy growth and development. However, getting kids to engage in active play can sometimes be challenging. This article will explore practical strategies to encourage active play for children, making it an enjoyable and integral part of their daily routine.

The Importance of Active Play

Physical Benefits

Active play is vital for developing children’s motor skills, strength, and overall physical health. It helps in maintaining a healthy weight, improving cardiovascular fitness, and enhancing coordination and balance. Regular physical activity also reduces the risk of childhood obesity, diabetes, and other health conditions.

Mental and Emotional Well-being

Active play is not just about physical health; it plays a crucial role in mental and emotional development. Engaging in physical activities helps children manage stress, improve concentration, and boost their mood. It also fosters creativity, problem-solving skills, and social interaction, contributing to overall emotional resilience.

Creating a Play-Friendly Environment

Indoor and Outdoor Play Spaces

To encourage active play, it’s essential to create both indoor and outdoor environments that invite children to move. Indoors, designate a safe space where kids can jump, stretch, and engage in various activities. Outdoors, ensure that the garden or playground has equipment like swings, slides, and climbing frames. Natural settings like parks and woods also provide ample opportunities for adventurous play.

Safe and Stimulating Toys

Provide toys and equipment that stimulate physical activity. Balls, skipping ropes, bicycles, and hula hoops are great for encouraging movement. For indoor play, consider soft play mats, building blocks, and obstacle course kits that promote physical exertion. Ensuring that these toys are age-appropriate and safe is crucial to preventing injuries and ensuring that playtime remains fun and worry-free.

Incorporating Play into Daily Routines

Active Play as Part of the Daily Schedule

Integrating active play into the daily routine helps make physical activity a regular habit. Encourage children to spend time outdoors after school, during weekends, and even in the morning before starting the day. Setting aside specific times for play, such as before dinner or after homework, can help establish a routine.

Balancing Screen Time with Physical Activity

In today’s digital age, screen time often competes with physical activity. It’s essential to strike a balance by setting limits on screen use and encouraging breaks for active play. For instance, after 30 minutes of screen time, children could take a 15-minute break to play outside or engage in a quick physical game.

Encouraging Social Play

Group Activities and Team Sports

Children are often more motivated to play actively when they have peers to interact with. Organise playdates or encourage participation in team sports such as football, basketball, or swimming. These activities not only promote physical fitness but also teach valuable life skills like teamwork, communication, and sportsmanship.

Family Involvement in Play

Family involvement is a powerful motivator for active play. Engage in activities together, such as cycling, hiking, or playing a game of catch. Family game nights that involve physical activity, like charades or dance-offs, can also be a fun way to encourage movement. When children see their parents and siblings being active, they are more likely to join in and enjoy the experience.

Making Play Fun and Rewarding

Introducing New Games and Challenges

Variety is the spice of life, and the same applies to play. Introduce new games and activities regularly to keep children excited about being active. This could include scavenger hunts, obstacle courses, or learning new sports. Setting challenges, such as who can skip the most times or complete a race in the shortest time, can make playtime competitive and fun.

Rewarding Participation and Effort

While the ultimate goal is for children to enjoy active play for its intrinsic benefits, offering rewards for participation can provide additional motivation. Praise and encouragement are powerful rewards in themselves, but small incentives, such as stickers, extra playtime, or choosing the next family activity, can also be effective.

Overcoming Barriers to Active Play

Addressing Safety Concerns

Safety is a common concern that can sometimes limit children’s opportunities for active play. Ensure that play spaces are secure and that children are supervised during activities. Educate children on the importance of playing safely, such as wearing helmets when cycling and being aware of their surroundings.

Encouraging Play in All-Weather

Weather can be a significant barrier to active play, but it doesn’t have to be. Invest in weather-appropriate clothing, like raincoats and wellies, to encourage outdoor play even in the rain. Indoor activities, like dance parties or indoor obstacle courses, can keep children active when it’s too cold or wet outside.

Making Time for Play in Busy Schedules

In today’s fast-paced world, finding time for active play can be challenging, especially with school, homework, and extracurricular activities. However, it’s essential to prioritize physical activity. This might mean cutting back on less active pursuits or integrating short bursts of play throughout the day, such as walking or cycling to school.


Encouraging active play for children is essential for their overall health and development. By creating a play-friendly environment, incorporating play into daily routines, and making it a fun and rewarding experience, parents and caregivers can help children develop a lifelong love of physical activity. Active play not only benefits children physically but also contributes to their mental and emotional well-being, setting the foundation for a healthy and happy life.

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